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check_content_group_id checks to see if the provided value belongs to one of nine currently accepted content group identifiers.





Code that identifies the content found in EPHT documentation.


list containing exit status code and success/failure message


Users are expected to wrangle, aggregate and otherwise implement the logic expected by EPHT themselves. distiller will not handle that step, though it does provides some helpers: collapse_race(), collapse_ethnicity(), and make_months_worse().

In order for distiller to work properly there are some expectations about the data that must be met:

  • The data must be a dataframe or tibble

  • For all content_group_id The data must have the following columns: (in any order):

    • month: character - acceptable values: "01", "02", "03" ... "12"

    • agegroup: numeric - acceptable values: 1-19

    • county: character - string length of 5, unless unknown, then county = "U"

    • ethnicity: character - acceptable values: "H", "NH", "U"

    • race: character - acceptable values: "W", "B", "O", "U"

    • health_outcome_id: numeric - acceptable values: 1-5

    • sex: character - acceptable values: "M", "F", "U"

    • year: numeric - acceptable values: 2001-9999

    • monthly_count: numeric - acceptable values: >0 and no missing values

  • For content_group_id "CO-ED" and "CO-HOSP" the data must have the additional columns:

    • fire_count: numeric - acceptable values: >0 and no missing values

    • nonfire_count: numeric - acceptable values: >0 and no missing values

    • unknown_count: numeric - acceptable values: >0 and no missing values


#> $code
#> [1] 0
#> $message
#> Success: content_group_id